
This blog is for both pleasure and sexual education. Use of any technique in this blog is your own responsibility! Unless otherwise noted, I claim no credit for the images or clips on this blog, any visual or other content provided in this blog are found in the World Wide Web. I'm neither responsible nor have control on the content of any external website links. Information featured on this site can contain errors or inaccuracies. If you own rights to any of the featured images, videos or articles and do not wish it to appear here, or if you hold the credit to any content place in here, please don't hesitate to contact me, so I can either credit you or remove it with your proof of ownership. Contact me via e-mail: deepmandeepmoderator@yahoo.com.


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Sex Ed: Anal Orgasm?

So here is the long running question:
Is there such thing as a male anal orgasm?

Answer: To be brief yes some men can experience orgasm by anal/rectal stimulation alone. Dr Jack Morin, the author of Anal Sex and Health, confirms this assertion.

The anus, particularly the anal sphincters is richly supplied with nerve endings. The prostate, which can be felt as a nut size structure just inside the rectum is also sensitive to gentle stimulation.

Often men will seek stimulation of the anus/prostate while also enjoying stimulation of the genitals and will then ejaculate in the usual way.

This nonetheless is not the same thing as orgasm by anal/rectal stimulation alone.

Some users of prostate stimulating devices such as the "Aneros" report orgasmic experiences not involving genital stimulation and which are said to induced solely these devices.

The overwhelming nature of these orgasms has given rise to the popular term "The Big O".

Other men take anal/rectal exploration further and insert larger objects in the rectum and even in the lower colon.

In such cases it must be assumed that the pleasure arises from the "full" feeling rather than the stimulation of nerve endings, because the higher one goes in the rectum the fewer nerve endings there are to stimulate.

A practice which has become relatively common in recent years is anal fisting or handballing, which involves passing a hand through the anus and into the rectum and higher.

Fistees commonly report orgasms that are qualitatively different from those obtained by genital stimulation.

Furthermore the orgasm is not followed by a refractory period and the fistee may a experience a number of orgasms on after the other.

The anecdotal evidence for such orgasms suggest that other mechanisms come into action during fisting (and big dildo play), possibly involving the muscles of the pubo-rectal sling and the nerves of the autonomous nervous system.

Answer found at: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_there_such_thing_as_a_male_anal_orgasm

Now, remember to play safely friends. And today's discussion will create opportunities for some new series to crop up. Cumming soon!


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This blog is for both pleasure and sexual education. Use of any technique in this blog is your own responsibility! Unless otherwise noted, I claim no credit for the images or clips on this blog, any visual or other content provided in this blog are found in the World Wide Web. I'm neither responsible nor have control on the content of any external website links. Information featured on this site can contain errors or inaccuracies. If you own rights to any of the featured images, videos or articles and do not wish it to appear here, or if you hold the credit to any content place in here, please don't hesitate to contact me, so I can either credit you or remove it with your proof of ownership. Contact me via e-mail: deepmandeepmoderator@yahoo.com.
